Wednesday 26 August 2015

First blog!! X

Hi everyone!

My name is Chloe, I'm 14 and live in the UK. I've started a blog because this is how Zoe Sugg(Zoella) ended up starting her youtube channel, I wanted to try and start up a youtube channel but first, I could start on blogger and then if my blog gets popular, then I would start a youtube channel aswell.

My interests are fashion, youtube, music, sports and taking pictures! I will post some below.
Me(Middle) before a
football match with
two of my friends.
A picture I took on
the way to Spain.

The year 9&10 football teams.


When it comes to fashion, I like to have my own sense of style, I like wearing bright colours and a lot of white tops. I tend to wear as footwear, nike, adidas or converse but I like wearing sandals and nice shoes. My favourite places to shop are Topshop, New Look, H&M and Primark. I find the clothes in Topshop are quite expensive sometimes but they are of a good quality along with the other stores.

As far as youtubers are concerned, I have 3 favourite youtubers, one of them is a fairly new youtuber but I love her videos already! My favourite youtuber is Jasmine Clough, then Zoe Sugg and then Sophie Clough. Sophie and Jasmine are the sisters that do the sister goals dubsmash. Check out their youtubes and subscribe to their channels!
Jasmine Clough 
Zoe Sugg
Sophie Clough

I like a lot of different types of music. I like 5 seconds of summer, years and years, I like anything that's in at the moment. I went to see 5 seconds of summer this year and 2 years ago I went and saw one direction. 

I took pe as a GCSE because I really enjoy doing sports, I play football and rounders and I also do athletics, badminton and I also enjoy tennis although I'm not as good at that! Sports is a way to just let off some steam and sometimes it can help you relax.

Taking pictures
 I take pictures pretty much everywhere I go, I will see something and think, I have to take a picture of that, I love going to little coastal towns because there's a lot of opportunities for you to take pictures there.

Thank you to everyone that has read my blog, it means so much to me, if you enjoyed it please leave a comment, tell me how I could improve if I need to! thank you! X